Dear Family, November 30 2011
Hey so I am actually feeling pretty good! I still have a cough and a runny nose but my throat does not hurt! So that is great! This week went by really fast we just got a ton more American missionaries today so that is cool I didn’t recognize them man Portuguese is messing with my spelling! That is tight that McKay is going to Spain me and him will be able to communicate a little bit when I get back home! How is gentry doing??? You will probably get a letter in the mail from me either today or pretty soon I sent it out last week! Ya I didn’t bring my camera with me today I will have to so that I can send you some pics! Ya the ice cream was good it had mashed up cookies in it that made it better which is always a good thing and it felt great going down my throat! so things I need um face wash, some candy would be nice, um I actually want more notebook paper its really expensive down here um maybe a bottle of Tylenol pm I have been having a hard time going to sleep, um maybe some more ties! If I think of anything else I will right it in a letter and bring it with me the next time I email. Try and think of things I might need! um so do you want to hear a funny thing?? k so me and elder een were in the bathroom doing some listern and this Brazilian comes in and was like what is that I was like listern and he didn’t know what it was so we got him a cup and gave him some it was so so so so so so so so funny I almost peed my pants!! hahahahahahahah he was telling us that stuff is no good it hurts and then he called us macocos luco which means crazy monkeys!! hahahahah so funny! um I don’t if I have told you during my night study in the classroom me and my companion go over and teach some Brazilians English and they teach us Portuguese and this time my companion was in the restroom and the Brazilians asked if I could teach them the restoration so I was ok! Started telling them in English and they were no you have to tell us in Portuguese and was like serious I cant do that and they were like try and I was like fine! So I got telling them in Portuguese and I actually did the whole lesson thing in preach my gospel in Portuguese which is really exciting! So Portuguese is sticking a little bit more in my head which is an obvious good thing because it is about time it does! Um in need Colton Ferre’s address so I can write him a letter! so gentry said that a lot of people want to write me it would be better if I could get those letters soon so I can write everyone back and maybe when I get out of the mtc I will send them and then they will get my address out in the field! Um or I can send it to them ASAP and then you would have to give them my new email address! Um nothing new really! I have gotten super close with president Clark and Sister Clark! So that is super legit!! That is a very good thing! I haven’t received your letter this week or f you have sent one so I really hope that I get one! How is everything at home?? How is dad doing????
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