Wednesday, December 12, 2012

December 10, 2012

Well hello my family!!

So this week was really good we baptized some one,  yes!! It was my companions first baptism it was super cool because he was super excited only bummer was that he didn’t get to go into the water but oh well we will have to see if we can get him another one that he can enter into the water and get wet!! But it was super cool to because that was the first baptism in 7 months here in this area! But that is great because it will just take off from there! Hahaha! It was super cool this week because we had some funny experiences well we were going to lunch walking on the rail road track and we are like 3/4 of the way there and he was like elder I lost my credit card it must have fallen out of my pocket! Hahaha I was like are you serious so we start walking back and we found it right be for a goat was going to eat it hahaha the only thing that sucked was that we walked back like 2/4 of the way there to get it! Hahaha after that we were filling the baptism font and my companion was leaning over the rail looking into the water and what do you know his missionary manual and his credit cards fall out of his shirt pocket and sink to the bottom! So we went fishing to pull them out! Hahaha the water so high in the font that you would have to gone swimming in the font to get them out! So what do we do my companion takes of his shirt and I dangle him over the rail holding on to him by his feet and dunking him in to get his stuff! It was super funny! I was laughing so hard! So I got to go for right now because we are going to have an activity in the center of the city and the stake president is going to give us ice cream so I will email the rest later! Love you guys so after that situation the rest of the week was alright it wasn’t any thing like super special. Well we taught a lot of people this week the only one thing that is hard that none of them really want to change there life’s so when this happens it just means to move on and find other people to teach!! It was really interesting we received a lot of rain this week I really didn’t like it! Like I liked rain before the mission but on the mission you just hate it because you have to walk in it and you get all wet and you can’t go home and change during the day it is just wonderful not! Hahahah but oh well! So I really don’t know what time we are going to Skype! I still haven’t found a member to let us Skype in their house I really want to find someone that has good internet connection so things come through a lot better! But oh know we will have to see what will happen I hope that we find someone to let us use it!!! But I was talking with my district leader that we live with and he was talking to me about how this next transfer he is going to leave then he said I bet you are going to be called leader of the district! I don’t know how I feel about that because that means every week I will have to prepare training things for the district and think that would be a little boring! Hahaha so now in our house it is me and Elder Black (DL), my companion Elder Monteiro, and Elder J Souza! Its pretty chill at night when get home and plan we will play Uno for a little bit and talk it’s really funny but it’s all good! Hahaha I want to know who else has gotten there mission calls! It would be super sweet to see more people from AF  people coming to this mission! Hahahaha little AF party here in Brazil would be super sweet! But that is about it for my letter like I said I really didn’t have anything to say about this week but this I will have to get you guys the picture of the baptism another day! But I love you guys take care have a great week!

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