Monday, January 21, 2013

January 21 2013

Hello my family!!

I will start off by saying that I love you guys so much and I am so very grateful for everything that you guys do! Well about this week we didn’t get the baptism that we wanted! But it’s alright because we have these two young men that want to be baptized this Sunday so that will be awesome! So it was super funny this week! I and my companion were at a bus stop and I start to feel sick in the stomach! He was like what’s up dude and I was like I am not feeling to well! He was like that sucks! I told him lets buy some food from across the street so we went over there and I bought a little something and coke to see if it could calm down my stomach and we walked back to the other side of the street to the bus stop and ate it! And by the way it was raining when all this was happening! So we are there eating it! And here pretty soon this dude on a motorcycle goes into the store and buys some stuff and then he walks across the street and was like you guys want this?? I was like what?? He was like do you want this? and I was like I don’t know I looked at my comp and he nodded yes to me and I was like sure thanks! After this dude left I look at my companion and I was like dude that is the poorest I have ever felt in my life! hahaha he started up laughing and it was super funny I think that dude thought that we were super poor or something like that he bought us food! Hahaha super funny! Well this week was good it was super hot! On Tuesday we had are zone conference and President really dropped the axe on some people it was super funny! Because these people were looking at him like oh crap I got to be better I really liked it super good! Oh and my friend Elder Schmitt from Germany he is the new assistant! So that was even better and I was super happy to see him and get to talk with him! He called me out to arm wrestle and I was like lets do it fool! And he was like but I am a lefty and I was like well that complicates things a little bit! And I was like whatever let’s go! and so they we were arm wrestling next thing I know was that President comes up and he was like look at that German pride and then he leans over and he was like don’t you loose Elder Gray! I was like alright I got to win  it so we went back and forth we were there for like 5 mins and President was like its time to go so we tied and I told the German next time he is going to loose! Hahaha and he told me we will have to see! It was super cool! Sister Cordon gave a training there and she comes walking out with a huge chocolate cake and was like who wants some so I threw both of my hands up and was like I want some this cake it has to be good! So she didn’t pick me she went to another elder and was like do you want cake and he was like yes she sticks her hand in and throws it at him! In that second my hands dropped and I didn’t want cake any more! Ha-ha then she compared it to this is sometimes how we teach the gospel we just throw it at them! What she said about that and other things I really liked it! I love zone conference! Well that is about it for this week I love you guys! Take care!

Love, Elder Gray

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