Monday, April 1, 2013

March 25, 2013


Hey so I got to run so this will be a short email!! So we had transfers and Elder Serrano he left !! What a blessing!!! Hahaha but what happened with elder Gray?? He stays district leader and he will be training at the same time!! Oh how I will love to sleep this one away because during this time I will not receive a lot of sleep which will be alright but it is all for a good cause! So we confirmed Ricardo a member of the church so that was super cool. So we took pictures and it was cool so we were talking to the members and they are sad that Elder Serrano is going away and but in their hearts they are happy! Today I saw Elder Een, Welch, Allen, Morris, Evans, Hawkes, Valdez, Knowles because of transfers in the bargui!!! So new things Allen, Morris, Welch are still DLs and elder Evans became a trainer, Elder Een became a new DL, Elder Valdez and Elder Knowles are zone leaders!! hahaha are group is growing it is super funny how all of us so have what like more 6 months!! BUT HEY I got to run to a meeting I will email you guys more tomorrow!! Love you!!!
Elder Gray

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