Well hello family!!
Well what cool things happened
this week, well remember that lady that I
talked to that her son died well we passed by there again and taught her about
the restoration and how it is really important that we know what church
is true. Well so what happened is that we went by we taught and it was super
good we were like there for 2 hours because they had so many questions that
they wanted answered so we answered and marked another day we will pass by. That day and we watched the movie
with them together forever and we struck a home run on that movie with them it
was so so cool! We invited them to church and what happened they came it was so
so cool I loved it! The rest of the week we worked are buts off running behind
things of the district like material doing interview for them and then talking
to a lot of people I really liked this week it was super awesome this letter
wont be so long because there is not a lot of detail in it. Today we went to
the center it was super cool I bought a Brazilian basket ball jersey it is
super sick I will have to take a picture of it for you guys! We went to a park
called Parque Tanguara and it was cool but a lot of the water things like
fountains weren’t working but that is ok but it was cool. We went with the zone
leaders which is cool because they are super cool we have become really good friends
it sounds like all of you guys are doing great that everything is going very
well for you guys and that its all cool sorry for the short letter I just don’t
have a lot to write about for this week I promise that next week will be a lot
better love you guys have a great week!