Monday, May 6, 2013

May 6, 2013

Well hello family,

Well wow looks like things are going to change in the Gray house hold! I think that would be an awesome idea if the girls moved out and fend for them selves a little bit! I am pretty dang sure that their social life would go up too, looks like Easton is killing it out there on the field. Looks Like mom and dad are doing great and just livin the good life! well this week was interesting so I got a call Wednesday night about like 9 at night and they were like Elder Gray you have been called to be district leader so that was super cool that I am district leader again it will be a good thing because that means that Elder Stout is going to have to start to fend for him self a little bit more when I take care of the district like tomorrow Stout will be here with a different Elder and I will go to another area and he will have to well grow a pair and really get thing done, this week was cool we had a cool things happen we found a catholic family they are good the mom and dad and older sister are like super catholic and doesn’t look like they will change any time soon but there is a girl that is like 15 years of age and she is super good she has read until Moisah in the book of Mormon and we gave her the book this week like she is like loving it and she wants to go to church but her parents wont let her go to church which is super sad. But she is awesome and she gave the book of Mormon to her friend to and they read their Book of Mormons together and they love it that is super cool! I also had a testimony builder this week, so it came Sunday and we went by our investigators houses and none of them were there and we get to church none of ours are there so I said a prayer to my self and asked God look I would love it if some one came today please bless me with that at least. The meeting started and I got a little impatient and was like well that is crap then out of no where this less active guy and his girlfriend (not member) and her sons come walking in and sat down and it was so, so, so cool it is cool because like obviously God hears all of are prayers but he see also if we are patient and I learned that I need to pray and ask God more things and wait patiently to receive the answers that was super cool I really liked that a lot! Then the rest of church I felt the spirit a lot and it was an awesome thing I loved it made everything better and to put the icing on the cake Paulo will be our new WARD MISSION LEADER!!!! So that is really going to help us more in the work that we are going to do here! We are going to take fire to this area really find the good people and put the ward in line and get things back on track how it should be done! Just good things are happening I like that and what next week I got mother’s day!!! Yes that is going to be awesome cant wait till mothers day it will be so much fun to talk to you guys again! Besides all that there is nothing that is really cool. Well today we went to Jardim Botanico here in Curitiba which was super cool I will have to send pics next time I took a lot of pictures! That was fun we went with the zone leaders because they are my friends we got the power 4 hahahaha. Things are getting good! Well Family have a good week take care I love you guys!!
Love, Gray

Elder Gray & Elder Reese

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