Well hello family!
So this week went by kind of slow we walked a ton! Holy crap! Everyday I was just hammered and would wake up just in pain! Buts it’s all good it is just part of being a missionary! Well this week we found some people that we marked dates with them so that is something good! I came here in Paranagua and gave a talk this Sunday it went very well I talked about Pres. Monson talk in Conference in the priesthood part! Wow this ward has more women than men, the elders quorum here is super weak so my goal is to find more men and baptize them because this ward is a little weak. Members here are good I really like them! Today I am here in Samambaia with a family that I loved here just kickin it with them its super good to see people again I will have to pass by the people that I baptized later on or maybe another p day I love it here the weather is great we have the sun, the cold left and its back to normal.! Funny things this week is that we have an island in our area and one night we were walking across the bridge to go to the island and my comp was like dude those people are speaking English and I was like dude there is no way why would an American want to come to this island that is super ugly and he is like dude listen so I listened and what do you know they were speaking English there was whole bunch of them I was shocked so we talked up to them in front of a catholic church and we were like are you guys Americans and they were like yah we are from Texas and you guys, I was like I am from Utah and he is from Washington and they were like what are you guys doing here so we explained that we were missionaries etc. they were in brazil to see the POPE, fricken pope I don’t like him! But it was cool talking to them! and then this dude walks out and tells these kids hey they don’t believe in the virgin Mary in Portuguese and they asked what he said I told them and they were like you guys don’t believe in the virgin Mary and I was like no! And they looked at us really funny I started laughing hahaha and then they had to go and they went smoking in to the Catholic Church! It was super funny because if you look at it Catholics they don’t have to do anything really for them everything is cool! I am super glad to be a member of the true church where we have standards that help us become better people! hahhaa! But that is it for the week I will talk to you guys later! Love you guys have a good week!
Love, Elder Gray