Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July 8, 2013 Only 99 days left

Hello family,

 Well where do I start off?? This week was a good week we did a lot of work this week and this week was super busy I was worn out at the end! Well so we saw President Fernandes and Sister Fernandes this last Thursday! So we got up at 5:30 went to the church to catch a private bus and then we went around picking the rest of the zone up in this bus we didn’t get to Curitiba until 1:30 in the afternoon! We ate lunch and then we had the meeting just with our zone! Well I don’t like them that much to tell you the truth! They just aren’t President and Sister Cordon. I really didn’t feel any love from them for us! They just got up there and started burning people about things and it was not cool  because I was just looking at my zone and they were just not satisfied it’s alright though I thought to myself well I only have 2 1/2 transfers left with them then I will be going home! After their meeting we had interviews with president, well it was my turn I went in there and he was like where are you from elder? I told him Highland, Utah. He said oh the factory then laughed; ( there is a joke that missionaries from Utah are from the factory because there are so many from Utah). Then he asked how much time do you have on the mission and I told him that I have 1 year and 9 months and he was like so you’re basically going home and I was like well I guess you could say it that way, then that was it for the interview! Not cool! Well we left Curitiba at like 6 at night and we didn’t get home until 12:40 at night! Yah I was super tired because I didn’t sleep at all in the bus ride so I was pooped! Then the next day you’re up at 6:30 again! Me and my companion found some really good people on Saturday to tell you how good we found this family that is super, super, super, super poor like they make the homeless people in the United States look rich! And they had two kids that wanted to be baptized so we baptized them this last Sunday! Hahaha it was super cool! it was a bummer because the parents couldn’t be there because they were going to go to work to get money to support their family but they promised that they would go this Sunday and watch them receive the holy ghost so that will be cool! The baptism was awesome! Really things are going very well for us here and this it for the letter this week I hope that everything is going good with you guys there! Love you guys take care!

Love, Grayzão

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