Monday, February 27, 2012

February 27 2012

Hello my family!!!

Nossa eu amo voces muito! Hahahah, this week was really really long! I will start with Tuesday! Tuesday we had a zone meeting and I got my package I loved it! I still haven’t made cookies because my companion does not deserve cookies! hahahah plus I would eat all them anyways! Ah we had lunch with the sister that has the really bad feet and I told her that I when I get my package I will give the stuff to her to help her out and she was really happy! And after we ate lunch there we stayed there all day long till 10:00 at night! It was a joke like we really, really wasted our whole day there we watched movies because my companion was being lazy like I am about to pick him up and throw him out on to the streets when he gets in these moods like I really want to kick his butt he is a fricken joke! I really hate wasting time at member’s houses when we need to teach. Like he will tell people that we will visit him at this time this day and we don’t even pass by because he gets lazy! Wednesday was alright we taught one dude like all day it was awesome and he was gay which is even better like yuck, but my companion liked talking to him! So that is one lesson and no contacts or address nothing! Thursday was a joke too we didn’t do much at all because of the rain its funny when it rains down here people get in a really bad mood and are not friendly at all! Friday I had a division with Elder Jackson, was easily my favorite day! Elder Jackson is companions with Elder Hawkes right now the one from the CTM! Elder Jackson is from Provo! Ah he has one month left on his mission! He is a total stud! We worked hard and got a lot of stuff done he is an awesome dude I wish he was my companion and he told me to do this with my companion at nights before we go to bed ask him if Jesus accepted our sacrifice today! So I did with my companion and he hates it, he won’t talk to me when I ask him this! He is such a little girl! Yesterday I asked him Elder do you think that Jesus accepted our sacrifice for this week and he flipped! He is like don’t talk to me about this stuff I worked hard I am going to destroy you next week in all the numbers and said a lot of other crap to me! He was just lucky that this week for personal study I read all the scriptures on patience and humility I think that helped from me not standing up and getting back in his face and giving him a piece of my mind! :) so that is about it I will probably only have to put up with him for about another 4 weeks I am going to tell President everything about this week because it was ridiculous! Oh and another I forgot to mention about this week, is when he would pass to me to start teaching he would start falling asleep it is was so embarrassing when the investigator looks over and he is just asleep I almost punched him then to! If it is anyone who should be sleeping it should be me because I don’t know half the time what they are even saying to me! Those letters I sent to the family were a little out of date that was like my 2 pday or something like that! Really that is cool about Tim’s mom that is awesome next time I see Mr. Tim I will have to give him a big old hug!  Hahaha that is so awesome about Gentry I am so excited she is almost done! Hey since she got a tattoo does that mean I get to get a tattoo hahahaha I am totally joking about the tattoo! K someone donated 1,000 dollars to my mission account? Really? When I read that I almost started crying that means a lot to me! Who ever donated that money thank you very much! :) I love you! So Elder Een loves his new companion and is doing really well with him! And ya Elder Morris has a fricken cool companion I always talk to his companion! hahaha well that is about it for this week I hope that next week goes better for me and for you guys! Oh ya money, money always gets a little tough at the end of the month because thats when all the big meetings happen that you have to travel for! Well my family I love you guys and I hope everything goes well for you!

Love, Elder Gray

Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 20 2012

Ah my lovely family!

How are things going this week with you guys? Things in Brazil well they are alright the transfer is over and I am with my companion still, I am just kicking it! What to say about this week???? Not a whole bunch has happened so not much to write about well we will start with Tuesday! It was an alright day it was super hot which is alright its funny I got a fat tan line from my watch hahaha! Wednesday we taught this married couple that I found on the street it was really funny! Because the dude doesn’t believe in God and his wife has attended every church in Brazil they are super cool they really like us! They have tons of questions like  I don’t even know where to begin with their questions! But they are super nice they were wondering if we would eat lunch with them one day and we were like ya totally so we will see if it works out!  Thursday ya I don’t remember what we did this day!  Friday was an alright day! Saturday was alright nothing really happening there Sunday was alright it really rained hard it broke my big umbrella! Hahaha funny story, about that so we were walking in this rain and I was trying to write something in my planner and talk on the phone to the zone leaders and this huge gust of wind just rips my umbrella out from underneath my arm and it of course it had to hit a tree and bend the frame and rip holes in it so we paid for a bus and went home! So my companion told me last week that we need to destroy in numbers this week and I was alright lets do it and so we are going and through the week and its Wednesday and I need like 20 contacts and 10 address and he asks me where I am at and I told him I need a lot and he is like me to and I was like really and he was like and I was like we are so pouched but really I was almost done with my side of the numbers! So we ended the week out and I had 100 contacts and 45 address hahaha he barely put up his contacts for him self and fell 13 short on address so I destroyed him! So ya that is about this week! Um one thing I keep forgetting to tell you! So when people see my pictures they say this is your dad and I am like yep and they think McCall is my mom hahahahhahah! And I am like no that is my sister and this is my mom and they are like wow she is really young! Mom they think you are so young because dad has no hair hahahahahahah! It makes me laugh all the time!  Well that is about it for the week! I hope you guys have a wonderful week take care love you guys!

Love, Elder Gray

Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 13 2012

February 13 2012

Dear minha familia!!!

That is too funny that you took the letter to Abby and she doesn’t speak Portuguese good thing there is a thing called Google translator!  Ok my week, it was alright it rained a lot this week which was super not cool! But we have a saying when things get bad in the mission field and when it rains or its really hot or other things you get wife points so I am basically making bank in wife points right now and I can’t imagine how many I will make after 2 years! So we had a newbie missionary meeting in Portao this week it was my whole district from the CTM we had to all teach something out of preach my gospel about weekly planning! So Elder Morris started he did his in English then Elder Allen he did his in English then Elder Knowles he came from Provo so he knows Portuguese well the missionaries in Provo that learn the language actually learn unlike the missionaries in the Brazil CTM then me hahah I did it all in Portuguese ya me! Hahah but it kept going down the line and I was surprised that a lot of my group was doing it in English like a lot of them so that made me a little sad to hear about that! I talked with President after for a quick second he asked how I am doing and that, and said that he was impressed with my Portuguese so that is a good thing I guess.  Nothing really new we might have like 3 or 4 baptisms next week so if that happens that would be really cool I still have not received my package I really want it!  Oh and I realized that McCall didn’t spray her letter with her perfume that I love! :( um nothing really new about this week kind of boring! My first transfer is over as far as I know I am not going to get transferred and my companion probably won’t either! So I will have to put up with him for another 5 weeks ya me not! He has gotten a little bit better not much so we will see how things go there!  I did get the letter that grandpa put the dollar in the only problem that I might not be able to exchange the money! I don’t know we will see what can happen there! So ya that is about it for this week! I love you guys I pray for you guys always you mean the world to me! Oh hey I got thinking that Jen X might not be there when I get back so I want some stuff  I want a gray hoodie black and white long sleeve shirts some short sleeve shirts,  and a black hoodie with gray on the back with the number 3 below it I think I will be wearing this stuff a lot when I get back because I will probably be frozen hahah! Thanks! Love you guys happy valentines, hey did you guys get my letters yet? Take care and God be with you till we meet again!

Com AMO, Elder Gray

Friday, February 10, 2012

February 6 2012

Dear Family!
How are things going back home? So to let you know I fold my letters like that because the envelopes down here don’t have the cool sealing thing on them like we do in the states you have to take it to the post office and glue the envelope shut! so I have a problem when I go to glue the envelop and I always feel like I use to much glue so I fold the letter really short to make sure the letter doesn’t get wrecked in the sending process by the glue!! hahahah and yes I know how to fold a letter I will send a normal folded one soon and you will have to tell me how it goes! Hahah this week  well I still want to punch my companion and basically knock him out! He is such a little girl! So we have to wake up at 6: 30 and start working out well that is what it says in the hand book and so to be kind to him I started working out in the mornings with the lights off while he sleeps more and I got sick of that so to bug him I turned the light on and then that didn’t work so I started blasting music and working out and that really didn’t work so after the music I started doing the push up claps basically I make as much noise as I possibly can so he doesn’t sleep in! Oh he had one of his shortest showers this week he showered in 25 minutes I thought it was a miracle not!  So I got your letters I loved them! I am still waiting for the package, to come so we will see when that gets here! We taught this couple for 3 hours on Saturday it was so hard to focus on what they were saying because I was fasting and it was hot and I was really thirsty and my companion didn’t fast and he ate food at their house to and all that good stuff!  So I wrote letters to the family and to Kinzie Gish and to Va, momma T and Sake and Ngase so I will send those out tomorrow when we pass the post office! Oh so grandpa keeps telling me to make my bed every morning it is easier said then done because I have to pick up my mattress and sheets and move in to a different room to sleep then where we store them and so I think that counts as making them I think hahaha! So nothing really really super cool has happened besides the people that drive the bus here are either drunk or not or texting but they are great drivers the things that they do here with bus I cant believe they got some mad skills like we had to take the free way and there was a huge semi truck in the slow lane another semi in the fast lane and we are going around this huge bend and the bus driver down shifts and speeds between them! Hahaha Brazilians are crazy drivers! Besides that nothing cool has really happened! Portuguese is still coming slowly and I am getting frustrated because I can’t understand everything a person says to me and I can’t express my feelings back to them! Oh and my companion said that I need to teach the lessons like he does because he was told that he teach the lessons really well!! Hey to let you know I love p days just because I get to email home and have like a moment of americanness ahaha! The days are still seeming really long! Make sure to pray for me and elder Een we need the prayers!! Love you guys!

Elder Gray

P-Day with in first area