Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 13 2012

February 13 2012

Dear minha familia!!!

That is too funny that you took the letter to Abby and she doesn’t speak Portuguese good thing there is a thing called Google translator!  Ok my week, it was alright it rained a lot this week which was super not cool! But we have a saying when things get bad in the mission field and when it rains or its really hot or other things you get wife points so I am basically making bank in wife points right now and I can’t imagine how many I will make after 2 years! So we had a newbie missionary meeting in Portao this week it was my whole district from the CTM we had to all teach something out of preach my gospel about weekly planning! So Elder Morris started he did his in English then Elder Allen he did his in English then Elder Knowles he came from Provo so he knows Portuguese well the missionaries in Provo that learn the language actually learn unlike the missionaries in the Brazil CTM then me hahah I did it all in Portuguese ya me! Hahah but it kept going down the line and I was surprised that a lot of my group was doing it in English like a lot of them so that made me a little sad to hear about that! I talked with President after for a quick second he asked how I am doing and that, and said that he was impressed with my Portuguese so that is a good thing I guess.  Nothing really new we might have like 3 or 4 baptisms next week so if that happens that would be really cool I still have not received my package I really want it!  Oh and I realized that McCall didn’t spray her letter with her perfume that I love! :( um nothing really new about this week kind of boring! My first transfer is over as far as I know I am not going to get transferred and my companion probably won’t either! So I will have to put up with him for another 5 weeks ya me not! He has gotten a little bit better not much so we will see how things go there!  I did get the letter that grandpa put the dollar in the only problem that I might not be able to exchange the money! I don’t know we will see what can happen there! So ya that is about it for this week! I love you guys I pray for you guys always you mean the world to me! Oh hey I got thinking that Jen X might not be there when I get back so I want some stuff  I want a gray hoodie black and white long sleeve shirts some short sleeve shirts,  and a black hoodie with gray on the back with the number 3 below it I think I will be wearing this stuff a lot when I get back because I will probably be frozen hahah! Thanks! Love you guys happy valentines, hey did you guys get my letters yet? Take care and God be with you till we meet again!

Com AMO, Elder Gray

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