Friday, February 10, 2012

February 6 2012

Dear Family!
How are things going back home? So to let you know I fold my letters like that because the envelopes down here don’t have the cool sealing thing on them like we do in the states you have to take it to the post office and glue the envelope shut! so I have a problem when I go to glue the envelop and I always feel like I use to much glue so I fold the letter really short to make sure the letter doesn’t get wrecked in the sending process by the glue!! hahahah and yes I know how to fold a letter I will send a normal folded one soon and you will have to tell me how it goes! Hahah this week  well I still want to punch my companion and basically knock him out! He is such a little girl! So we have to wake up at 6: 30 and start working out well that is what it says in the hand book and so to be kind to him I started working out in the mornings with the lights off while he sleeps more and I got sick of that so to bug him I turned the light on and then that didn’t work so I started blasting music and working out and that really didn’t work so after the music I started doing the push up claps basically I make as much noise as I possibly can so he doesn’t sleep in! Oh he had one of his shortest showers this week he showered in 25 minutes I thought it was a miracle not!  So I got your letters I loved them! I am still waiting for the package, to come so we will see when that gets here! We taught this couple for 3 hours on Saturday it was so hard to focus on what they were saying because I was fasting and it was hot and I was really thirsty and my companion didn’t fast and he ate food at their house to and all that good stuff!  So I wrote letters to the family and to Kinzie Gish and to Va, momma T and Sake and Ngase so I will send those out tomorrow when we pass the post office! Oh so grandpa keeps telling me to make my bed every morning it is easier said then done because I have to pick up my mattress and sheets and move in to a different room to sleep then where we store them and so I think that counts as making them I think hahaha! So nothing really really super cool has happened besides the people that drive the bus here are either drunk or not or texting but they are great drivers the things that they do here with bus I cant believe they got some mad skills like we had to take the free way and there was a huge semi truck in the slow lane another semi in the fast lane and we are going around this huge bend and the bus driver down shifts and speeds between them! Hahaha Brazilians are crazy drivers! Besides that nothing cool has really happened! Portuguese is still coming slowly and I am getting frustrated because I can’t understand everything a person says to me and I can’t express my feelings back to them! Oh and my companion said that I need to teach the lessons like he does because he was told that he teach the lessons really well!! Hey to let you know I love p days just because I get to email home and have like a moment of americanness ahaha! The days are still seeming really long! Make sure to pray for me and elder Een we need the prayers!! Love you guys!

Elder Gray

P-Day with in first area

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