Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 16 2012

Hey minha family

Tudo bem? como voces estao? Eu tenho esperanca que voces estao bem! Well this week was really just about work we worked a lot this week! So about the 2nd and 3rd baptism well they were between the first and the 4th! hahhaa they were to youth that were cousins of people in the ward and they wanted to learn more and we baptized them! This week we found a guy named William I made contact with him and he told me he doesn’t believe in God or Jesus Christ because they took his family away from him! I was like nope not true, and do you want to know where they are at? He was like yes; I was like perfect where do you live so that we can talk another day! Well we passed by did the 2 lesson for him plan of salvation probably one of the coolest lessons we have taught we had this guy crying and he was feeling the spirit and all that stuff so we will pass by again this week! And mark a baptism interview with him! Oh we have been teaching one family and they seem to be really progressing probably we will baptize them in this week or next week! But it’s a family of 6 so that is way cool! Besides that nothing really else happened this week just work and all that good stuff!! Other elders in our district had baptisms and so we had to help them because my companion is the district leader so he does the baptismal interviews and all that fun stuff! But when he is doing that I am just talking with the other elders having fun hahah! Ah so the 4th baptism Emerson well he brought his family to church and his son wants to be baptized so he Emerson will baptize him so that is awesome!! OH so we had 11 people in sacrament meeting this week so that was awesome! My goal is to have 19 investigators with us for one sacrament meeting! Hahaha that will be a little hard but is possible!  For me I am holding up alright just need a little bit more patience, because my companion is not very patient with me learning the language! Like some words are hard to say and I try and try and he just gets fed up so that is not cool maybe I learning how to be humble right now! Well I am getting a good tan down here well for a missionary I am almost Mexican looking, or a really light Tongan looking! well besides all that stuff my stuff is holding up good! My pants are fine my shirts I think are white for the most part! My shoes are doing fine I wear one for like 4 days and switch to the other pair for like 4 days and all that good stuff! Ya what have we been doing on pday that makes me busy well one pday we played soccer forever which was cool but I was sore the week after!  Other pday we played American football (flag football) we used socks in our shorts for flags! Hahahaha! Then been playing soccer the other pdays and kickin it with other elders!  That is why I have been busy! :) OH dad please you think that Easton will be stronger than me when I get home I think not! I could not work out my whole mission and come back and still be stronger than him! But yes I have been working out some days is harder to work out then others! so ya! But like I wake up say prayer put my bed away use the restroom then after I do 100 push ups and 200 sit ups! Come on dad you know I got to be looking semi descent for the ladies when I come back! hahahhahahhaha! That is awesome that you guys bought a camera so we can skype I can’t wait to see you guys! I love mother’s day! I wonder if I get to email the day after??? That would be really cool! Well that is about it for Brazil! Eu amo voces muito! Take care and have a great week! Love you guys!

Amo, Elder Jay Colton Gray!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Elder Gray,

    I have just got back in touch with your blog as I have been prepaaring Elder Draper to leave for Argentina on 4/24 which is not going to happen because his Visa did not come througn although we applied for it 5 months before he entered the MTC so well as he puts it "It's The BEst 2 For 1 Deal Of A Lifetime". He will know next week where his temp assignment will be and I will keep you posted.

    He has said life at the MTC has been the "BOMB". He sent a picture home with 15 LPHS missionaries currently there. He is sad to see his time end there and especially sad that his Companion of 8 weeks went home yesterday but is ready to move on to the next step of this journey.

    You sound and look great from your blog a big applaud to whoever is keeping that updated! It is so nice to be able to keep track of you wonderful missionaries.

    Just wanted to drop you this line in hopes your mom can cut and paste it and pass it along in her email to you and I will try and get a genuine letter off to you once Wade has set sail.

    Estou pensando em você,
    irmã Draper
