Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April 9 2012

Ola minha familia!!

So this week was really good we had another baptism! It was with this 30 year old man he is a big dude! He is awesome I know that he will stay in the church! We are working on his mom to get baptized since he lives with his mom!!! This week was good not going to lie, it was really hot but it was really good! It is a little weird it has not rained here in like 4 weeks I am not use to that!! ahhh! Oh we had Easter this past Sunday and they celebrate the same way we do just more parties and drugs! Hahahaha Brazilians are so funny! They have these huge chocolate eggs that they sale here and some of the members bought the missionaries some so that was really nice of them! I can’t believe that I have seen four baptisms in like 4 months out in the field so that is cool! Me and my companion are doing great getting use to each other and all that good stuff we decided to buy our food different he buys for himself and I for myself! It is a little bit better that way I think! I would send pictures home but I forgot my camera!!! That is good to hear that is everything is going good on your side of things I think dad really likes the new TV! Hahahahaha! Besides this my Portuguese is getting a little bit better and all that so that is really good! Ah and I am starting to get really excited for mothers day! Hahahah did you guys buy a camera so i can Skype you guys on mothers day?? If not you really need to buy one because I want to see you guys through the computer screen hahahah! Not many new things this week! One cool thing we were walking this street and all these men starting whistling and saying come here and usually when this happens you keep walking well I looked behind and they were come here we want to hear a word about God! Perfect well it was all these men at a fruit stand that they own they had some beer in them but that is alright no biggie I will still talk to you! Well we were teaching and they were like are you hungry and we were like no not really because we just ate lunch well they start bring out a ton of juice for us and all this fruit to eat! We taught them got there addresses and will probably pass by them some other day! That was cool! Oh another thing we were walking the street last night and there was these two girls that weren’t dressed the best and my companion needed more contacts so I said to him hey go make contact with the skanks just joking around and he said to me they are not skanks and I was like why are they standing on the corner then??? He thought that was so funny he literally could not stop laughing! Hhahahahahahahhahhahahahahahha it was pretty funny! Oh I keep getting letters from one sister that I met in the CTM I will probably respond just to have someone to write through out my mission! But other then this everything is going good here I really can’t wait for mother’s day to talk to you guys it is in like 6 more week’s right? Hahah I love you guys and pray for you guys always! Take care have a good week!!

Love, Elder Jay Colton Gray
Elder Morris, Elder Gray, & Elder Black

Elder Gray & Elder Morris

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