Monday, August 27, 2012

August 27 2012

Well hello!

So I had my birthday this week it was alright not a ton of people knew that I had my birthday but oh well! Because I got the best present of all! A baptism on my birthday! It was awesome I loved it you could feel the spirit so strong there it was awesome! Ya I got a good meal we bought a huge pizza that night it was so good because it was just icing on the cake! The day after my birthday we had our zone conference! It was really good they sung me happy birthday and I got your package that you sent and some letters so that was really cool! About my companion ya we are getting a long ok sometimes we still don’t see eye to eye on things and some times he gets in a girl mood in the morning because I tell him to do his workout and he doesn’t really do it! He keeps telling me how he wants to lose weight and I keep telling him well do your work outs and stop eating so much but we will see what will happen with that! Ya when my companion was transferred I stayed at the house where Tim Morris was at when he was in this zone! Ya I hear from Elder Een and Elder Morris they write me emails! Hahaha I love them we are going to be such good friends after the mission! Well that is super cool that the girls got there blessings that is awesome I love reading mine I read it every week! Because it helps me out a lot! But really nothing is new for me besides that this week was good we are working hard and I know that we are going to receive blessing from it and all that! Well that is super cool to hear that all of you guys are doing super well! And tell grandpa that he can send me  more letters like he sent me for my birthday I sure liked them! Hahahah love you Grandpa! Hey Grandpa take care alright remember you’re getting up to that age when the body starts to slow down! Remember to take it easy and in the end everything will work out! Love you guys have a good week take care!

Love, Elder Gray

Monday, August 20, 2012

August 20 2012

Well hello my family!!

SO this week was really interesting I got a new companion Wednesday! His name is Elder Machado! He is from Manues or how ever you say it! But in English his last name means axe! Hahaha well he is tall and a little bit heavier! But it’s alright! He is cool but he started off a little rough with me because he walked into our house and started messing with my things saying ours and I was like no that is mine! HE is like one of those mooches  kind of person that uses other people! After that he said that we had to share that stuff to strengthen our relationship I was like no you won’t use my ties or my shaver this stuff is mine. Well he wasn’t to happy with that but I really don’t care! But about Elder Bruce I know that he had a nice little talk with President and I don’t know if he still in the mission or not but oh well! I think it would be better for him to go back to his home! But the girl that is a different story I had to break the news to her and she was like I am not texting him and was lying to me but oh well! They were talking about how they wanted to kiss and all of that stuff! But in the end I still think he is in the mission unfortunately! But this week we had a baptism it was awesome! His name is Eloim! He is so cool! He is like 17 years old and looks like neymar! I baptized him and it was really cool he is definitely one of the elects of God that he prepared for me! And this Wednesday we are going to have one more baptism! Yes that is like the best birthday present ever! A baptism! His name is Erico he is cool he is 20 years old and he is also an elect of God that he prepared for me! But that is really cool right!
Well that is awesome to hear that Jackson was baptized look at him go here in a little bit he will be on a mission baptizing other people! That is awesome! Congrats Jack! That is cool to see that Jake Cooper returned home that is a little weird that all of them are going to start returning home in a little while! But that is awesome. Well that is about it for this week I really don’t have any thing else to talk about! Love you guys? Oh and President Cordon he sent you an email or a letter?? And what did it say in it?? I thought that I told you I was senior but oh well! Love you guys!

Love, Elder Gray

Monday, August 13, 2012

August 13 2012

Well hello my big happy family!!

Well I don’t know where I want to start about this week because something happened! I don’t know if I told you guys that we can’t play soccer because too many people are getting hurt! But its alright I can play soccer after the mission I guess! But ya about this week well my companion started to be really weird and started to distant him from me! But that wasn’t a surprise he was a looser the first day he got here! He never woke up on time, never studied with me and all that but it’s alright! Well we worked hard this week trying to help these two people feel like they are ready to be baptized this week! And if they get baptized that will be awesome! But ya we will see! I really didn’t talk to anyone that I felt the spirit very strong with this week! But it’s alright! so it is starting to get really hot here but its alright I am thinking that I will buy some tanning lotion and put it on my arms so they can start to look really tan hahaha! But something happened this week that will mark me for the rest of my mission! so my companion had a personal cell phone that he was using to talk with people and this Sunday I felt like I had to look at this cell phone and see who he was talking to well he was texting one girl that we are teaching basically saying that he wants to marry her and all that love dove stuff! Well after all this he was transferred today and we will see if he will have to go home! But like now I am sad to see him go but it will be better for him! And ya that is about it I am trying to forget about it and move on but it is a little hard for me! But besides that I am doing well, working and helping people and doing the things that I should be doing! Sorry that this is not a long email but I don’t know what else to write right now! But I want to say happy birthday for Tonya and thank you to Grandma Gray and Pam for the birthday money. I know I am a little late but it is the thought that is more important! Oh and also one of my friends went home today. His time ended and he went home his name is Elder Evans he was my first Zone Leader and he has been in my zone for all the 8 months that I have been here in the mission! I will sure miss him he left me a tie and his Oregon beavers shirt for me he is such a stud I love him! But that is good to hear that all of you guys are doing well back there in the States! I love you guys so much! Take care have a good week!
Elder Gray

Monday, August 6, 2012

August 6 2012

Hello my family!!

Well what do you know another week has passed by! Wow this week was pretty fast I won’t lie! Wow josh received his mission call to Brazil! whoop whoop! Ya buddy! Joao Pessoa will be really hot! That is so cool but when he goes into the ctm and leaves I will almost be done with my mission hahah! As us missionaries say I will be dying soon! Hahaha but that is really cool because after I can write him in Portuguese hahaha! That is so cool! No I still haven’t received anything from you guys because we only get mail here once every month because we are in the middle of no where so are leaders never go to get the mail because it is really long! So what does senior companion mean well it means I am the senior of our companionship! So if he does something wrong I get in trouble basically! So the only problem is that he doesn’t wake up he takes for ever in the bathroom, he like sleeps when he studies. But I will still try and show that I love him and try and help him return to the path that is right! But ya! Wow so tanner returned wow that was fast! That was cool to hear about the spirit Casey had! Serious you think that I have been giving my deodorant away!! Please I hold on to that stuff like it is gold! The only time I would give it away is if I got paid! But besides that no never hahah! So I think that we have a baptism here in a little bit! I hope that we will! We are teaching some really good people that we can help so that can be baptized! We almost baptized some one but they didn’t want to live the law of chastity so that is really annoying! So we cut them because they are not progressing! We usually email about 2 in the afternoon! But ya our president cut soccer now so we can’t play soccer! I wasn’t too happy about that but I think I will live! I would like to have football but they don’t have them here in Brazil and if you can find one that your really lucky! Hey you remember the shoes that we bought from missionary mall! So I need a different kind of sock to wear with tem because my other ones are to small and my foot slides in them! I wore them with some adrenaline socks when we bought them so ya! That would be super fly if you get me some black adrenaline socks because I would wear those shoes more!  Tell Grandma and Pam thanks for the birthday money. But that is about it! I love you guys take care have a good week!
Love Elder Gray

Sunday, August 5, 2012

July 30 2012

Well hello my family!!

Well so my companion got transferred and I got a new companion named Elder Bruce he is Brazilian and from Sao Paulo! He is really cool but doesn’t do everything that he should do! Oh and I was made senior of the group so now everything that goes wrong will be on my shoulders! I am very excited not! But this week was pretty good I wont lie we just had to run around and around and around to complete all of our goals that we had planned for this week! But it was good well played soccer and now I am really sore but it will be good! But it was really cool we found this teenager that is really cool he is awesome we will mark a day for him to be baptized! But for right now we are just working and working and working some more! That is about it and the two boys that we baptized they are still going to church their parents are not doing so well but we will help them out, but everything will be alight.  But besides this nothing else has really happened!  I will wash my sheets and my retainers and yes it’s a little bit expensive to get married! If I was rich I would marry everyone here but I am not so it is a little hard to do that but ya I am doing fine hey send me some more gold bond extra strength the green bottles! That stuff is really good! I would like some more pink and purple ties! hahahaha! but ya that is about it for elder gray! Love you guys and I hope that you guys have a good week!!

Love Elder Gray