Monday, August 20, 2012

August 20 2012

Well hello my family!!

SO this week was really interesting I got a new companion Wednesday! His name is Elder Machado! He is from Manues or how ever you say it! But in English his last name means axe! Hahaha well he is tall and a little bit heavier! But it’s alright! He is cool but he started off a little rough with me because he walked into our house and started messing with my things saying ours and I was like no that is mine! HE is like one of those mooches  kind of person that uses other people! After that he said that we had to share that stuff to strengthen our relationship I was like no you won’t use my ties or my shaver this stuff is mine. Well he wasn’t to happy with that but I really don’t care! But about Elder Bruce I know that he had a nice little talk with President and I don’t know if he still in the mission or not but oh well! I think it would be better for him to go back to his home! But the girl that is a different story I had to break the news to her and she was like I am not texting him and was lying to me but oh well! They were talking about how they wanted to kiss and all of that stuff! But in the end I still think he is in the mission unfortunately! But this week we had a baptism it was awesome! His name is Eloim! He is so cool! He is like 17 years old and looks like neymar! I baptized him and it was really cool he is definitely one of the elects of God that he prepared for me! And this Wednesday we are going to have one more baptism! Yes that is like the best birthday present ever! A baptism! His name is Erico he is cool he is 20 years old and he is also an elect of God that he prepared for me! But that is really cool right!
Well that is awesome to hear that Jackson was baptized look at him go here in a little bit he will be on a mission baptizing other people! That is awesome! Congrats Jack! That is cool to see that Jake Cooper returned home that is a little weird that all of them are going to start returning home in a little while! But that is awesome. Well that is about it for this week I really don’t have any thing else to talk about! Love you guys? Oh and President Cordon he sent you an email or a letter?? And what did it say in it?? I thought that I told you I was senior but oh well! Love you guys!

Love, Elder Gray

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