Monday, August 13, 2012

August 13 2012

Well hello my big happy family!!

Well I don’t know where I want to start about this week because something happened! I don’t know if I told you guys that we can’t play soccer because too many people are getting hurt! But its alright I can play soccer after the mission I guess! But ya about this week well my companion started to be really weird and started to distant him from me! But that wasn’t a surprise he was a looser the first day he got here! He never woke up on time, never studied with me and all that but it’s alright! Well we worked hard this week trying to help these two people feel like they are ready to be baptized this week! And if they get baptized that will be awesome! But ya we will see! I really didn’t talk to anyone that I felt the spirit very strong with this week! But it’s alright! so it is starting to get really hot here but its alright I am thinking that I will buy some tanning lotion and put it on my arms so they can start to look really tan hahaha! But something happened this week that will mark me for the rest of my mission! so my companion had a personal cell phone that he was using to talk with people and this Sunday I felt like I had to look at this cell phone and see who he was talking to well he was texting one girl that we are teaching basically saying that he wants to marry her and all that love dove stuff! Well after all this he was transferred today and we will see if he will have to go home! But like now I am sad to see him go but it will be better for him! And ya that is about it I am trying to forget about it and move on but it is a little hard for me! But besides that I am doing well, working and helping people and doing the things that I should be doing! Sorry that this is not a long email but I don’t know what else to write right now! But I want to say happy birthday for Tonya and thank you to Grandma Gray and Pam for the birthday money. I know I am a little late but it is the thought that is more important! Oh and also one of my friends went home today. His time ended and he went home his name is Elder Evans he was my first Zone Leader and he has been in my zone for all the 8 months that I have been here in the mission! I will sure miss him he left me a tie and his Oregon beavers shirt for me he is such a stud I love him! But that is good to hear that all of you guys are doing well back there in the States! I love you guys so much! Take care have a good week!
Elder Gray

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