Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1, 2012

Well hello my family!!

Well this week was pretty interesting! Let’s start off with the bad stuff well like in the middle of the week my companion like shuts down starts not talking to me and starts like dominating the time when we are teaching he really started to be a butt! Well I was dude what’s up and he is like its nothing! And I was like dude this is not like you to shut down and be like this something is up!! And he just continued saying nothing is wrong! Well I was alright dude if you say so! Well after that he was still being in his little girl mode but oh well if he doesn’t want my help than that is his fault! I think that is the only bad thing that happened today! Well besides that the week was pretty good it was a little bit normal I wouldn’t lie! I feel like I need a change of areas but at the same time I don’t want to change because 1. I hate putting things in to my bag! It’s like playing tetras every time I have to put stuff in to my bags! 2. WE are starting to find some really good people now to teach which is awesome! We have one kid that we found in the street and the first thing he says to us that an anti-Christ will emerge out of the Mormons! He told us that it is in Revelations and so I told him that he is 100 percent wrong and gave him my Bible and I was like I want you to show me! So I gave him my Bible and he was trying to find it and in the end he couldn’t find it and so I was like well see you were wrong! Well we shared a 2nd lesson with him and this last Sunday he goes to church and says Elder Gray can you baptize me on the 7th I was like what like my chin smacked the floor but I was like sure I can and he was like sweet and so I think we will have a baptism next week!! hahaha well at church also I found a girl that was 15 years old I thought she was less active well it turns out to be that she is not baptized so I asked her would you like to be baptized and she was like yes I want to I was like perfect and told her well you want be baptized on the 14 and she was like ya.  I was like wow that is awesome and so we will help her get baptized and then after that it will be pretty cool! I think it is funny I know a ton of people here in every neighborhood and when we walk down the street you have people yell hey Elder what’s up dude! Or they honk or they get our attention some how it’s really cool because after my companion asks hey do you know them and I was like ya I think so! And he says that’s cool! But that is really the only thing that has happened! Well about the letter situation I am really good at writing people back its just I haven’t received any letters from people I don’t know if it is because the mail system here in Brazil is on strike or these letters are lost or they wrote my address down or if they are still sending them to the CTM! It has to be one of these things! But I will write everyone back with out a doubt! Well that is about it for this week! Nothing super cool happened but we will have a transfer on the 15 so here in a little bit! So I think I will go! About general conference I watch over satellite transmission I think it starts at noon to 3 then like 5 something then Saturday night session! I am really excited I love conference I really can’t believe that it has been six months from the last conference time is really passing fast! Well prepare for conference have a question that you want an answer for then find it in the talks! Well love you guys I hope that you guys have an awesome week filled with fun! Love you guys!

Elder Gray

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