Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22, 2012

Well hello my family!!!

So this week wow! So when I found out that my companion would be Elder Morris I was freakin out! I was so excited I was really sad to tell the people good bye! But when I got here and I was like Morris!, I gave him a big old hug!! Hahaha he has changed so much he has really grown up! You just look at him and you can see a different Morris! It so cool to see how he has changed! So we live in a  4 person apartment which is alright but at the same time it is really annoying! Like we have one bathroom and everyone has to take like 10 min showers in the morning! But it is alright! It’s cool because you have more people to talk to and you do the companionship wars! It so cool because everyone is super chill in our house they are not the annoying missionary’s! This week was actually really good! We tried to find a lot of new people to teach and see if we could mark baptism with them. The ward here is really cool! Like I have never seen a ward so happy to see an elder leave an area! hahaha it was so funny people were talking to me and were like Elder Gray we are so happy that you are here you are very welcome here! Its funny because our ward is like and older ward it doesn’t have that many that  young married couples like my last 2 wards so that is a little tough! Its funny I was walking the street the other day with Elder Morris, by the way we have a huge college campus in the middle of our area that we have to walk through like every day to get to where we want! But we were walking by huge field and Morris turns and says to me well there is an American football team that practices here! And I was like serious I got to see that well Saturday everything like fell through so we were walking and we walked by this football field! And what do you know their out playing! I was like Morris we are going to buy some ice cream and we are going to watch them for a little bit and he was alright lets do it and so we did next thing you know there coach looks at us and yells hey you 2 come here in Portuguese and I was like what and pointing to me and my companion and he shakes his head so I went there and I talked to them and it was cool they would like me to teach them things next Saturday and so I will probably go there and be like look for me to teach you guys something I need atleats 5 or 6 of you guys to come to church with us! hahaha that will be funny! But we had a mission tour with one of the people from the 70 named Elder Godoy it was super cool but really out of everything that was said I liked more what President Cordon said I just felt the spirit a lot more! But I did see Elder Een at the conference it was so good to see that fool! But no we are not in the same district that would be so cool he is with my 2nd companion right now! His area is like in the middle of no where! Hahah! But really it so cool to be companions with
Elder Morris because we have like no problems with each other! This week we really worked hard every day we would come and plan for the next day and crash we were so tired! But i think this next week is going to be really good for us because we have some members that were just waiting for Elder Feirra, old companion of Elder Morris to go and they are going to give us a lot of referrals! So that will be really good! Also we walk the train tracks a ton there is always like dead dogs on it I will take a picture for you guys!! Like really this has been the most excited I have been, to be on a mission with someone that is awesome! But that is about it for this week! It was really good to hear that you guys are doing well that everything is going perfectly with you guys!! I love you guys so much have such a great week! Take care until the next week! I think that next week I will send pics home of me and Elder Morris! Love you guys!"
Love, Elder Gray

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