Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June 10, 2013

Well hello family,

  So where do we start lets start on the bad things that happened this week I got transferred and I am sick and its super annoying. I really am going to miss Elder Stout he is a good kid and an awesome missionary we had a lot of good times together and it was a lot of fun! I have like a nasty cough because snot just runs down my throat and my ears plug up here and there some times. But I will live I hope... but things are going good for me so I will be part of the south mission they sent me out to Guarapuava that is even farther away then Ponta Grossa and it is to be super cold there people were telling me so I will be in for a real treat. Also I became a Zone leader... my companion is Elder Gomes I knew him in Paranagua when he start his mission so this will be a good thing we are super excited to get working and baptize a lot of people he told me that probably next week we would have 2 baptism and I was like sweet. We live with 4 people here which will be cool and all that, our house is big it has 3 bathrooms but only one is working we will have to see if I can get creative  and get the other ones up and running so we can make a better use out of our house. It looks like it is going to be a good area it looks a little poor but that is alright because poor people always accept to hear a message about God. Well that is about it for this week haha it was super cool to hear that you guys did great with the talks I knew that you guys would do awesome. That’s cool to hear that everyone is doing well that they are enjoying there life’s well guys have a good week I love you guys!

Love, Elder Gray

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