Monday, June 17, 2013

June 17, 2013

Olá minha familía!!!

 Well this week..... It rained and rained and rained and rained, I really hate the rain and this area will make it that I hate the rain even more. Yah me hahaha but cool thing is that we had a baptism this week! It was awesome I love coming here finding a person that is elect and has gone to church and then baptizing them it is awesome! His Name is Wilit da Silva. It is a super weird name but oh well it is Brazil hahaha but it was cool. I am glad that I didn’t baptize him because it was cold out side and the water was cold, and I am a little bit sick, talking about being sick well I just have this cough and besides that I am good I think this cough will be out of here in a little bit because ever day I cough less so that is wonderful! Other funny things this week I gave my first talk in church this week in my whole mission it went very well people had big smiles on their face, but no one comes up to you and says hey you did great I liked your talk that hurt because it was a great talk. Then after I was with Elder Crook because he talked with me and this lady comes up to him and says wow Elder Crook you sound like a Brazilian when you talk and not like a American ( and during that time that she said American she looked at me) Yah I was like that is super, super not cool.. I should have said something to her but I didn’t and I really don’t care because Jesus loves everyone even unto the sinners! hahaha but I am all good! But today we went to a waterfall thing it was super cool I will have to send pictures next week for you guys because this week I am short on time because I had to send all the numbers of the zone this week so I am short on time. And no I still have not gotten your package yet mom and I probably wont get it unto the 27 of June because that is when we will have zone conference the last time with President Cordon I am sure going to miss him he is such a great guy and I love sister Cordon there are so awesome I will totally go and visit them when I get home! About Elder Een he is in the NORTH MISSION so I wont see him till we go home, Elder Morris and Elder Larson I don’t know where they are at but I really don’t care the time here is coming to an end here in a little bit anyways! haha but This ward is alright they are super funny like if we ask them to take us to pick up or visit are investigators we have to pay or they don’t do it! I think it is so so so so funny because that is so so low. Mom to respond your answer we walk a lot! There is a lot of BIG HILLS here they are real thigh burners but that is alright. So the house well I looked at what could be done to the other showers and they just don’t have energy following through the  lines so I think we will have to call a electrician in because when zone conference comes around we will have like ten people in our house and we will need all the showers that we can get hahaha that will be interesting the only bad thing is that the Assistants are going to stay like 3 days in our house and so they are going to be all over everything which is not cool! The other missionaries that are in the house is Elder Crook he will go home in this transfer he is from Portland, Orgen and it is time for him to go home because he is dead. Then we have Elder Rêgo..... his last name in English means Butt, hahahahaha he is from Manus he has like a year and 2 months on the mission he is a short little fat missionary but he is super funny, I like him we are good friends! But that is it for who else lives in my house hahahaha! But that is also it for the week I love you guys have a good week take care!!

Love, Elder Grayzão

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