Tuesday, August 20, 2013

August 19, 2013 57 more days!!

Hello family!

 Well where do I want to start this week! Well it was a great week! Kind of it was good until the assistants called and were like we are going to do a 3 day division with you guys and I was like 3 days! Wow it was a long three days I will tell you that! I noticed something that I can not really stand being around fake people! Wow I was with this elder and it will go unnamed. He was being so fake like I knew him before and he was super chill and super easy to talk to then he came to do a division with me and he came all with his nose high and proud and I really didn’t like that! I told him too, I was Elder come on dude great you’re an assistant but that does not mean crap to anyone. And he was like what and I was like look here in the mission yah its cool if you’re an assistant but after the mission you go back to being nothing and no one is going to care what you were on the mission! So you can stop with this attitude thing! Well I don’t think that he liked it that much, but I really didn’t care because it’s true! Like when I became ZL I kept being the same person that loves everyone that plays around with everyone and when it is time to be serious I am serious! Well after the division my comp comes back all hot shot and that like thinking he is a million bucks but whatever I just won’t care anymore about what people think of themselves what they think of me! I am here to teach people and help them to come unto Christ and help them to get baptized! haha it will be funny to see what happens at the end of this transfer if I stay ZL if I don’t I won’t care one bit to tell the truth I will just know that the Elder that I made a division with just got his pants in a wad about something that is true! But oh well! Well this week was cool because we were told by President Fernandes to get 5 names of young men that can serve a mission that are less active so we did and we went by all of them! Well one of them lives out of our area but we found a new one looking for the other 4! Well last Monday night we found 3 of them and I was like alright let’s share a message with them! I looked at my comp to share it and he started saying something that I don’t remember but they weren’t really paying attention so I was alright its time that I step in and I got them in a huddle and I was like what do we look like right now and they were like a team and I was like you are right we are team and I am needing every single one of you guys to be my best players right now! and shared a Alma 34: 31-32 and I was like look are object right now is to help people come unto Christ and help them repent and prepare to find God one day! Look for us to do this, I need you guys my players the people that I can count on! They were like yah that is right they got all excited and I was like as team mates here we got to have goals to get done 1: read the scriptures every day, 2: pray every morning and every night, 3: GO TO CHURCH!!!! And they all accepted these goals and it was so cool to see them catch a little bit of the fire! Well during the week we followed up on these young men and what were they doing, they were completing the goals I was so happy filled my chest with joy! Well it came to Sunday one of them showed up and I was like hey where are the others  and he was like I don’t know! and I was like alright well we got to go find them and so we went  house to house found them woke them up they got ready and we went to church together! It was so cool we all sat on the same bench together during sacrament meeting and it was awesome! The ward looked and were happy because these are young men that they haven’t seen in a while! Oh how that day was so great! Another thing! About the fast well it was awesome I felt great! I am super happy to see that Dad is doing better that things are starting to turn over for him it feels me with joy! I knew that you guys would come through with me on the fast when I started my fast a during the fast I felt really close to you guys obviously in spirit but it was really cool! Guys I love you guys so much and I am so very thankful to be part of this family! Well it’s weird to think that I will be 21 this week! Hahaha I am old that is weird to think! McCall thinking that I would turn 22!!! That was funny when I read that today! What will I do on that day I really don’t know but we will do something fun! I think I will get those 5 young men together and we will go to a pizza parlor that night and spend time with them! Ha-ha it will be fun I will take pictures! Ha-ha love you guys have fun this week take care!
Love, Elder Grayzão!

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