Monday, August 26, 2013

August 26 2013 50 days left!!!

Dear family,

  Well where do I start off?? well this week went pretty well I am not going to lie I had my birthday and I was like wow I am so old I know that I have 21 years of age but I sure don’t feel like I am that old!! Well for the birthday my comp was there for only half the day! haha he had to go to Curitiba to the federal police department and get things take care of with his visa. So I was with one of those young men for a really good part of the day! After the day was over we went to a pizzeria it was very good I really liked it a lot! We had a lot of fun there one of the young men didn’t go and I found out why after, because he didn’t have money he could of told me then I would of brought him and paid for him! But it was fun I ate the most pizza it was funny because walking there all the young men were like you are going to lose and I was like alright maybe hahaha we get there they are all little girls I beat all of them by like 5 pieces of pizza! Hahah do take note that these pieces are smaller than the regular size pieces but it was so much fun! Haha but this week was super cool we had one of those young man leave with us almost every day! His name is luiz he is super cool by the way he is doing his examines to go on a mission! :) So at the end of the week we had 17 lessons with member and the assiants called us and were like that is highest that it has been in a very long time! So I felt really good about that we had four people in sacrament meeting that was cool that is the most that I have seen here since I have been here! And no the AP is not Elder Morris! But Elder Hogge said something Sunday and I really felt for him! He goes on to say it like this! Hey do you remember in sacrament meeting when that sister gave the talk and how she said that her and the ward needs to help Elder Gray and his companion. And I was like yes what about it??? He was like well that really got to me and I was like so how we going to change that? He was like I have been here for two transfers and I have given this ward my all and they don’t even remember my name but they remember your name and you haven’t even been here for one transfer yet! I was like dude it’s alright man not everyone is going to remember you but then I was like I know that the people that you baptized will remember you. and he was like yah that is what counts so we went to one of the people that he baptized here and I was like hey do you know his name and this girl was like no and I was like crap well that sucks! And it just got him down even more so we talked and I was like to the family why do you guys remember my name and not his and they were like 1st it is easier and you talk more, and I was like alright so after we left we sat down I talked to him and I was like Elder look if you want to be remembered you got to talk to people and he was like I now that but it’s hard and I was like Elder you just got to! But in the end he was like alright I will talk more with people! Oh and he hasn’t gotten down yet from his high horse! I heard from another missionary that he really doesn’t like me that much so in are weekly planning we got to the inventory part where we got to resolve problems and things like that and I was like Elder do you like me and he was like yes and I was alright do you like me as a Missionary? And he was like I think your time has passed and I was like what do you mean? Well when people ask you when are going to go home you get all excited and you are like yah it’s been a good time and I don’t like that and I was like is there anything else and he was I don’t like when you talk about things you did before the mission and how cool it was and I was alright well I do better! he was alright I think that worked out the things with him but I don’t know he still seems distant but I am not going to care, I just think of the scripture in the book of Mormon that says before you take the needle out of your brothers eye first take out the post in your eye! So I am not caring because he always brings up these things! But it’s all good! But this week was cool I learned a lot of things! Well I love you guys have fun! Hey thank you everyone for the presents and the birthday wish I hope that you guys are blessed! Love all of you!
Love, Elder Grayzão!

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