Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 2, 2013 Only 42 days left!!

            Hello family!

 Well where do I want to start?? Well I am not happy at all so I was transferred to another area called Eucaliptos in Boqueirão a part of Curitiba! Well I am not happy with the house or my companion and I got moved to just be a senior comp! Well can you talk about being knocked off the ladder! I am actually pretty mad at President Fernandes about this one because well I saw a lot of other missionaries that were ZL with me that will get done with me also all get kicked down to basically nothing! At this moment I am really glad that I only have another 6 weeks! I am just going to do my thing for another 6 weeks then I am out of here! But our last week was pretty good we marked a lot of dates with people in Paranagua for these next week’s so there should be some good baptisms there pretty soon! Well me and Elder Hogge are still friends and we will always be, we worked everything out and we had a great week with each other! It was funny when we got transfers because he thought he was going to be the new assistant and that he would be transferred and when they told him that he was going to stay he like almost broke down crying! Hahaha that was funny! But love that kid I really miss him and it’s only been like 6 hours since I have left his side! Today I saw elder Stout I gave him a big hug and told him that I really missed him when I was transferred and he was like dude I really missed you to bro it was really hard to adjust at first I was like it always happens that way! Well he is going to Lapa which is in the district in Arauacaria and elder Stout will be district leader there so I am really proud of him! Elder Monteiro my other son he is still in Ponta Grossa being a zone leader so I am happy with my little family that I have here in the mission they are growing wings and flying away they both are studs! WELL what can I say they did learn that from their dad! Hahaha but whatever I will just get through these weeks I am really crazy to baptize someone it has felt like such a long time since I have baptized someone I got to get on that! Hahaha well I love you guys take care! Have a great week!
Love, Elder Grayzão

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